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World Globes >

 Illuminated Desktop Globes
 Desktop Gemstone Globes
 Solar Powered Globes
 Crystal Globes
 Floating / Levitating Globes
 Educational Globes
 Inflatable Globes
 Reproduction Globes
 Astronomy Globes

Desktop World Globes

Intelliglobe II Deluxe
Nicollet Large Illuminated Globe Northampton Globe Glencoe World  Globe San Marcos Globe

“Interactive globe for kids

 Interactive Talking Globe

H22" x D16"
illuminated globe
Northampton desktop world globe blule oceans wood base
H16.5" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
world globe on elegant wood and  metal base
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
world globe on designer wood desktop base
H22" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$165.00 (free ship/h) $295.00 (free ship/h) $129.00 (free s/h) $320.00 (free ship/h) $500.00 (free s/h)
Bartlett Illuminated Globe Freeport Large Desktop World Globe Nassau Large World Globe Lincoln World Globe Hexagon Designer Globe
blue oceans world globe metal desktop base
H16.5" x D13"
illuminated globe
Freeport large desktop world globe
H19" x D16"
Raised relief globe
Nassau large desktop world globe blue oceans map
H19" x D16"
Raised relief globe
Lincoln Blue Ocean Globe | Replogle Globes
H17" x D12"
Raised relief globe
world globe on hexagon designer base
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$125.00 (free ship/h) $160.00 (free ship/h) $160.00 (free ship/h) $275.00 (free ship/h) $495.00 (free ship/h)
Auburn  Desk Globe Chicago World Globe Glencoe Constellations Hartford World Globe Milan World Globe
H18" x D12"
Raised relief globe
Glencoe  Star Constellations globe
H20" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Hartford 12" Designer Globe | Replogle Globes
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
MILAN Globe 12″ Raised Relief – Replogle Globes | Replogle Globes
H18" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$199.95 (free s/h) $150.00 (free ship/h) $325.00 (free ship/h) $74.95 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h)
Livingston illuminated Globe Crystal Marquise Blue Berkner Globe Premier Atlas Globe Atlas World Globe
world globe lamp
H16" x D12"
illuminated globe
transparent earth globe
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
BERKNER desktop world globe
H17.5" x D12"
Contemporary globe
reference world globe
H18" x D12"
Raised relief globe
world globe on sculptured base
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$99.95 (free ship/h) $175.00 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $275.00  (free ship/h) $210.00 (free ship/h)
Atlantis School  Globe Crystal Marquise Silver Monarch Globe Usonian World Globe Four Square Globe
educational world globe
H17" x D12"
Raised relief globe
transparent world globe
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
Monarch black world globe on stair stepped marble base
H16.5" x D12"
Black Ocean Map
world globe on designer wood base
H18" x D12"
Raised relief globe
world globe on square designer base
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$99.95 (free ship/h) $180.00 (free ship/h) Currently Unavailable $250.00 (free s/h) $305.00 (free ship/h)
Pioneer Educational World  Globe Mikado Black Globe Mini Wright World Globe Weather Watch Globe Leather Expedition Globe
educational world globe for kids
H17" x D12"
Raised relief globe
black ocean world globe
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
small black world globe
H14" x D6"
Non-illuminated globe
globe of earth on wood base with clocks
H17" x D9"
Raised relief globe
leather world globe
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$79.95  (free ship/h) $197.50 (free ship/h) $175.00 (free ship/h) $290.00 (free ship/h) $150.00 (free ship/h)
Biscay Desktop Globe Orion  illuminated Black Globe Wanderlust Globe Freedom Desk Globe Hexhedra Desk Globe
desk globe
H16.5" x D12"
Raised relief globe
illuminated black world globe
H17" x D12"
illuminated globe
world globe with marble base
H19" x D12"
Up to date cartography
world globe on eagle base
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
globe of the earth with designer wood base
H17.3" x D12"
relief globe
$69.99 (free ship/h) $110.00 (free ship/h) $130.00 (free ship/h) $220.00 (free ship/h) $205.00 (free ship/h)
Diamond Marquise Blue Globe Diamond Marquise Globe World's Greatest Mom Morgan World Globe Salem Desk Globe
silver metallic world globe
H17" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
contemporary metallic world globe
H17" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
white oceans world globe
H17" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
world globe on desktop stand
H16.5" x D12"
Raised Relief Cartography
world globe on multi colored wood stand
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$134.99 (free ship/h) Currently Unavailable $79.95 (free s/h) $130.00 (free ship/h) $105.50 (free ship/h)
Geographer School Globe Hamilton Black Desk Globe Carlyle illuminated Globe Cranbrook World Globe Compass Rose Globe
educatinal world globe
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
black world globe metal stand
H17.5" x D12"
Black Ocean Cartography
illuminated reference globe
H17" x D12"
illuminated globe
earth globe
H18" x D12"
relief globe
world globe on metal compass base
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$97.50  (free ship/h) $115.00 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $125.00 (free ship/h) $110.00 (free ship/h)
Renaissance Black Desk Globe Executive Globe Sierra World Globe Midnight Black World Globe Kingston Globe
black world globe desktop base
H8" x D6"
Non-illuminated globe
executive desktop world globe
H9" x D6"
non-illuminated globe
globe of the earth
H17" x D12"
Raised relief globe
H16" x D12"
illuminated globe
desk globe
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$94.50 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $99.95  (free ship/h) $133.50 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free s/h)
Day / Night Illuminated Globe Starlight Black Desk Globe MacInnes Desk Globe Lenox World Globe Hastings Desk Globe

world globe lamp

H16.5" x D12"


black ocean globe of earth
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
geographical world globe
H17.5" x D12"
raised relief globe
globe of earth
H17.3" x D12"
Raised relief globe
traditional world glboe
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$99.95 (free ship/h) $69.99 (free ship/h) $89.95  (free ship/h) $97.50 (free ship/h) $97.50 (free ship/h)
Globe 4 Kids Spectrum Black Globe Constellation illuminted Globe Northwoods Desk Globe Piedmont World Globe
illuminated childrens globe
H14" x D10"
Raised relief globe
small black world globe
H8.5" x D6"
1 box of 4 globes
star constellations illuminated desktop globe
H16" x D12"
illuminated globe
bronze metallic world globe
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
desk globe
H17" x D12"
raised relief globe
$69.50 (free ship/h) $143.95/4 pc. (free s/h) $79.00 (free ship/h) $94.95 (free ship/h) $69.95 (free ship/h)
Explorer School Globe Day / Night 12" Globe Forester Desk Globe Franklin Desk Globe Quincy World Globe
educational globe
H16" x D12"
Raised Relief Globe

stars constellations globe lamp

H16.5" x D12"


geographic reference globe
H12" x D9"
Raised relief globe
reference globe of the earth
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
basic world globe
H13" x D9"
Raised relief globe
$59.95 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $55.50 (free ship/h) $59.95 (free ship/h) $57.95 (free ship/h)
Rotating Globe Bancroft Globe Panorama Globe Rotating Globe Mackie World Globe
illuminated world globe for kids
H14" x D10"
Illuminated Cartography

Bancroft national geographic world globe

H16.5" x D12"

National Geographic Map

world globe for classroom
H16" x D12"
Raised Relief Cartography
rotating world globe
H14" x D10"
Illuminated Cartography
world globe desktop
H14" x D9"
Raised relief globe
$79.95 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $54.99 (free ship/h) $79.95 (free ship/h) $55.50 (free ship/h)
Traveler Desk Globe Moon Desk Globe Seasons Globe Cabot "W" Cabot "C"
globe for kids
H17" x D12"
Raised Relief Globe
moon globe
H15" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
Globe, Season Modeling 6"
world globe decor
H11.5" x D6"
globe decor
H11.5" x D6"
$49.99 (free ship/h) $97.50 (free ship/h) $179.99 (free ship/h) $49.99 (free ship/h) $49.99 (free ship/h)
Wonder Metallic Small Globe Wonder Celestial Star Globe Wonder Satellite Earth Globe Wonder Blue Desk Globe Wonder Antique World Globe
metallic world globe
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe
celestial globe
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe
satellite globe of the earth
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe
blue world globe
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe
small desktop globe
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe

$167.99 /12 pc. (free s/h)

$167.99 /12 pc. (free s/h) $167.99 /12 (free s/h) $167.99 /12 pc. (free s/h) $167.99 /12 (free s/h)
Moon Wonder Globe Inflatable Globes Topographical Inflatable Globe Solar System Inflatable Apollo School Globe
small  moon globe
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe
three inflatable globes

box of 12

topographical inflatable globes

box of 12

Solar System Inflatable Globes Set
8"-28" 10 pc.
world globe on ring base
H12" x D9"
Educational globe
$167.99 /12 pc. (free s/h) $95.40- $167.70 (free s/h) $95.40- $167.70 (free s/h) $44.99 (free s/h) $46.95 (free s/h)
Athens II Canvas Globe Terenne Illuminated Globe Dublin World Globe Trekker Small Desk Globe Adventurer Educational Globe
Athens desktop world globe beige oceans
H17" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
contemporary small desk globe
H8.5" x D6"
set of 2 illuminated globes
DUBLIN Globe 12″ Raised Relief – Replogle Globes | Replogle Globes
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
small world globe
H8" x D6"
Non-illuminated globe
kids globe
H16" x D12"
Raised Relief Globe
$105.00 (free s/h) $59.99 (free ship/h) $94.95 (free s/h) $117.99 / 8 pc. (free s/h) $53.99 (free ship/h)
Kristian Illuminated Globe Kristian Globe Madrid Modern Globe Sophia World Globe Silver Compass Jewel
H16.5" x D12"
illuminated globe
illuminated desktop world globe in different colors
H16.5" x D12"
illuminated globe
Madrid blue oceans desktop world globe
H16.5" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
Sophia world globe blue oceans replogle
gemston desk globe on silver base
H19" x D13"
Gemstone globe
$129.00 (free s/h) $129.00 (free s/h) $74.95 (free s/h) $94.95 (free s/h) $475.00 (free ship/h)
Consulate Globe Oslo World Globe Glencoe Constellations Zurich World Globe Lincoln Grey
Consulate illuminated geographical world globe small
H15" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Oslo 12" Designer Globe Replogle Globes
H16" x D12"
Raised Relief globe
ZURICH CANVAS Globe 12″ Raised Relief – Replogle Globes | Replogle Globes Lincoln Gray Oceans World Globe contemporary model
$133.50 (free ship/h) $65.00 (free ship/h) $325.00 (free ship/h) $105.00 (free ship/h) $129.00 (free ship/h)

National Geographic Desktop World Globes

Nicollet 16" Illuminated Hudson 12" Globe Bingham 12" Globe Allanson 12" Globe Adams Illuminated
$285.00 (free ship/h) $125.00 (free ship/h) $150.00 (free ship/h) $130.00 (free ship/h) $125.00 (free ship/h)
Bartlett 12" Illuminated Bancroft Globe Grosvenor 12" Globe Phoenix II Globe Compass Star 12" Globe
$125.00 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) Currently Unavailable Currently Unavailable


Waypoint Globes

Primus Illuminated Globe Primus Illuminated Globe Navigator World Globe Safari Globe
Primus Illuminated World Globe
H15.7" x D12"
Illuminated Dual Cartography
Primus Relief Globe | WP21107
H15.7" x D12"
Illuminated Dual Cartography
H18" x D12"
Deep-Sea Topography
Safari world globe with animals on landmass
H15" x D10"
Animals, illuminated globe
$129.99 (free s/h) $129.99 (free s/h) $84.99  (free s/h) $69.99 (free s/h)
Tactile Illuminated World Globe Tactile Illuminated World Globe Athens Illuminated Globe Athens Illuminated Globe
Tactile Relief Globe (illuminated)
H15.7" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
 Tactile Relief Desktop World Globe
H15.7" x D12"
Illuminated Dual Cartography
Athens World Globe Illuminated Lit
H15.7" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Athens illuminated desktop Relief Globe
H15.7" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
$114.99 (free ship/h) $114.99 (free ship/h) $129.99 (free s/h) $129.99 (free s/h)
Lugano Illuminated Globe Lugano Illuminated Globe Como Illuminated World Globe Como Illuminated World Globe
 Lugano Globe Lit
H15" x D12"
Illuminated Digital Cartography
  Lugano illuminated world globe blue oceans
H15" x D12"
Illuminated Digital Cartography
 Como Illuminated World Globe beige oceans wood base Waypoint Geographic
H15" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
 WP21102 Como Globe (illuminated 1)
H15" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
$114.99 (free ship/h) $114.99 (free ship/h) $114.99 (free ship/h) $114.99 (free ship/h)
Mariner Illuminated Globe Mariner World Globe Gibraltar World Globe Gibraltar Illuminated Globe
 Mariner II Illuminated Deskstop World Globe
H17" x D12"
Deep-Sea Topography
Waypoint Geographic Mariner Desktop World Globe
H17" x D12"
Deep-Sea Topography
Gibraltar world globe blue oceans
H15.7" x D12"
Dual Cartography
GibraltarWorld Globe (illuminated)
H15.7" x D12"
Dual Cartography
$99.99  (free s/h) $84.99  (free s/h) $249.99 (free ship/h) $249.99  (free s/h)
Parlamondo Smart Globe Parlamondo Talking Globe Andorra World Globe Andorra Illuminated Globe
 Parlamondo Illuminated Smart world globe for children
H16" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Parlamondo Details interactive talking smart world globe for children
H16" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Andorra gographical world globe
H15.7" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Geographical world globe Andorra  (illuminated)
H15.7" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
$139.99 (free ship/h) $139.99 (free ship/h) $249.99 (free ship/h) $249.99  (free s/h)
Peninsula Illuminated Globe Peninsula Illuminated Globe Horizon Illuminated Globe Horizon Illuminated Globe
Peninsula Lit world globe desktop
H19.5" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Peninsula Illuminated Desktop World Globe
H19.5" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
  Horizon illuminated world globe
H18" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
  Waypoint Geographic Horizon II Illuminated Globe
H18" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
$99.99  (free s/h) $99.99  (free s/h) $99.99  (free s/h) $99.99  (free s/h)
Colombo Illuminated Globe Ambassador Illuminated Globe Ambassador Illuminated Globe Aviator Illuminated Globe
 Colombo world globe with Relief beige oceans wood base WP21109
H15.7" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Ambassador Illuminated World Globe
H17" x D12"
Deep-Sea Topography
 Ambassador II Illuminated Globe
H17" x D12"
Deep-Sea Topography
  Aviator illuminated world globe blue oceans square wood base
H18" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
$114.99 (free ship/h) $99.99  (free s/h) $99.99  (free s/h) $99.99  (free s/h)
Pacific World Globe Pacific Illuminated Globe    
   Pacific illuminated world globe blue oceans
H19.5" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
    Pacific illuminated world globe lit blue oceans
H19.5" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
$99.99  (free s/h) $99.99  (free s/h)    


Atmosphere World Globes

Full Circle Vision World Globe -MT Capital Q Silver World Globe Blue World Globe Charcoal Illuminated World Globe Full Circle Vision World Globe -MB
Atmosphere Full Circle Vision World Globe


H14.6" x D11.8"
Mint Green Ocean
Capital Q Silver World Globe WP41011
H12.5" x D12"
Digital Cartography
Light & Color Designer Series Illuminated Globe Blue Oceans
H15" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Light & Color Illuminated 12 inch Diameter Designer Series Globe Charcoal land light oceans
H15" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Atmosphere Full Circle Vision World Globe
H14.6" x D11.8"
Metallic Blue Ocean
$169.99 (free ship/h) $219.99 (free ship/h) $159.99 (free ship/h) $159.99 (free ship/h) $229.99 (free ship/h)
Anglo Slate Globe Capital Q World Globe Full Circle Vision World Globe -BK Full Circle Vision World Globe -SI Full Circle Vision World Globe -AL
Atmosphere Anglo Globe
H14" x D10"
Digital Cartography
Capital Q - Black Oceans Contemporary World Globe
H12.5" x D12"
Digital Cartography
Atmosphere Full Circle Vision World Globe
H14.6" x D11.8"
Black Ocean
Atmosphere Full Circle Vision World Globe
H14.6" x D11.8"
Digital Cartography
Full Circle Almond Ocean Globe
H14.6" x D11.8"
Digital Cartography
$189.99 (free ship/h) $219.99 (free ship/h) $229.99 (free ship/h) $229.99 (free ship/h) $229.99 (free ship/h)
Anglo Black Globe Golden Illuminated Globe Reflection Illuminated World Globe Reflection Illuminated World Globe  
Atmosphere Anglo Globe
H14" x D10"
Digital Cartography
Light & Color Designer Series Globe Gold
H15" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
... : Home Aardrijkskunde Wereldbollen WERELDBOL 30CM 'REFLECTION' ENGELS
H14.6" x D11.8"
Light On
Atmosphere Full Circle REFLECTION Globe
H14.6" x D11.8"
Non Illuminated globe
$189.99 (free ship/h) $159.99 (free ship/h) $280.00 (free ship/h) $199.99 (free ship/h)  


Astronomy Globes

Mars 12" Globe

Venus 12" Globe

NASA Moon 12" Mercury 12" Globe Elementary Planetariums
Mars Globe Venus Globe NASA Moon Globe Mercury Globe Elementary Planetarium
$134.99  (free s/h) $134.99  (free s/h) $134.99  (free s/h) $129.99  (free s/h) $220-$250 (free s/h)
Topographic 12" Mars Globe Venus II Globe Topographic 12" Moon Mercury II Globe

Manual Planetarium

Topographic Mars Globe VENUS globe on clear sculptured base Topographic Moon Globe MERCURY 12 IN ASTRONOMY  LARGE Manual Planetarium
$199.99  (free s/h) $129.99  (free s/h) $134.99  (free s/h) $129.99  (free s/h) $599.99  (free s/h)
12" Mars Globe Venus Topographical Moon Illuminated Globe Moon 12" Globe Motorized Trippensee Planetarium
12 inch Mars globe on round clear base
Venus Globe Model
Ring Base is Included w/Sphere
Lit moon globe by national geographic Moon Globe Mortorized Planetarium
$119.99 (free ship/h) $399.99  (free s/h) $99.95  (free s/h) $97.50  (free ship/h) $1139.99  (free s/h)
Large 18" Mars Globe Jupiter 12" Globe Celestial Star Globe Celestial Star 12" Globe Copernican Solar System
Ring Base is Included w/Sphere
JUPITER 12 inch diameter globe on clear base

Celestial Star Globe

Celestial Star 12" Globe Copernican Solar System
$399.99  (free s/h) $99.99  (free s/h) $129.99 (free s/h) $287.99  (free s/h) $174.99 (free s/h)
Thermal Imagery Mars Large Jupiter 18" Model Geologic Moon Globe Europa 12" Globe Ptolemaic Solar System
Mars Globe 18" Thermal Imaging
Ring Base is Included w/Sphere
Jupiter Globe Model 18 inch diameter
Ring Base is Included w/Sphere
Moon Globe Model EUROPA 12 inch desktop astronomy globe on clear base Ptolemaic Solar System
$399.99  (free s/h) $399.99  (free s/h) $399.99  (free s/h) $99.99  (free s/h) $224.99 (free s/h)
Topographical Mars Sphere Mars 12" Globes Set Io 12" Globe Titan 12" Globe
Mars Topographical Globe Model
Ring Base is Included w/Sphere
Mars Globe Set IO 12 inch dimater desktop globe on clear base TITAN 12 inch diameter astronomy globe on clear base
$399.99  (free s/h) $259.99 (free ship/h) $99.99  (free s/h) $99.99  (free s/h)
Galilean Moons Set Solar Eclipse Globe Solar System Inflatable Andromedome Paperweight
Solar Eclipse Globe Solar System Inflatable Globes Set Andromedome Paperweight
$337.50  (free s/h) after 10% discount $199.99  (free s/h) $44.99 (free ship/h)  $79.99 (free s/h)
Ganymede 18" Globe Io 18" Sphere Glencoe Constellations Small Andromedome
Ganymede Moon Globe
Ring Base is Included w/Sphere
Io 18 inch globe model
Ring Base is Included w/Sphere
Glencoe Constellation   Glencoe Constellations Illuminated
H20" x D12"
Illuminated Dual Cartography
Small Andromedome
$399.99  (free s/h) $399.99  (free s/h) $325.00 (free ship/h) $62.99  (free ship/h)
Europa 18" Globe Callisto Moon 18" Globe Constellation 12" illuminated Solar Eclipse Globe
Europa Globe
Ring Base is Included w/Sphere
Callisto Globe
Ring Base is Included w/Sphere
Constellations Globe  Constellations Globe Illuminated Solar Eclipse Globe
$399.99  (free s/h) $399.99  (free s/h) $79.00  (free s/h) $134.99  (free s/h)
Day / Night 12" Globe Solar System Mobile Titan Rotating Globe
Solar System Mobile
Titan Rotating Globe
Solar Powered Rotation
$99.95 (free ship/h) $105.00  (free s/h) $180.00 (free s/h)
Large Star Constellations Globe Star Constellations Globe Saturn Rotating Globe Vesta Rotating Globe Mercury Rotating Globe
Large Star Constellations Globe
Solar Powered Rotation
Star Constellations Globe
Saturn GSaturn Rotating Globelobe
Solar Powered Rotation
Vesta Rotating Globe
Solar Powered Rotation
Mercury Rotating Globe
Solar Powered Rotation
$500.00 (free s/h) $180.00 (free s/h) $180.00 (free s/h) $180.00 (free s/h) $180.00 (free s/h)
Mars Rotating Globe Jupiter Rotating Globe Moon Rotating Globe Neptune Globe Venus Rotating Globe
Mars Rotating Globe
Solar Powered Rotation
Jupiter Rotating Globe
Solar Powered Rotation
Moon Rotating Globe
Solar Power Rotation
Neptune Globe
Solar Powered Rotation
Venus Rotating Globe
Solar Powered Rotation
$180.00 (free s/h) $180.00 (free s/h) $180.00 (free s/h) $180.00 (free s/h) $180.00 (free s/h)
Solar Motion Safe Sun Spotter Moon Wonder 4.3"  Solar System Model Celestial Wonder 4.3"
Solar Motion Safe Sun Spotter Moon Wonder Globe Celestial Wonder Globe
$249.99 (free s/h) $499.99 (free s/h) 12pc./$167.99  (free s/h) $108.99 (free s/h) 12 pc./$167.99 (free s/h)
Telescope Celestial Stars Globe      
$149.99 (free s/h) $269.99 (free s/h)      


Mova - Solar Power - Self Revolving - Desktop World Globes

Silver Metallic Mova Antique Ocean Mova Blue Ocean Mova Relief Mova Globe
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0"  $298  (free s/h)
8.5"  $500  (free s/h)
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0"  $298  (free s/h)
8.5"  $500  (free s/h)
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0"  $298  (free s/h)
8.5"  $500  (free s/h)
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0"  $298  (free s/h)
8.5"  $500  (free s/h)
Satellite with Clouds Cobalt Blue Ocean Silver Black Jupiter Globe
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0 $298  (free s/h)
6.0"  $298  (free s/h)
6.0 $298  (free s/h)
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0 $298  (free s/h)
Moon Globe Mars Globe Venus Globe Neptune Globe
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0 $298  (free s/h)
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0 $298  (free s/h)
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0 $298  (free s/h)
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0 $298  (free s/h)
Saturn Globe Star Constellations Large Star Constellations Mercury Globe
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0 $298  (free s/h)
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
8.5"  $500  (free s/h)
4.5"  $239  (free s/h)
6.0 $298  (free s/h)


Satellite, Solar Eclipse & Geological Earth Globes

Satellite 12" Earth Satellite Earth 18 Inch Globe Solar Eclipse 12" Globe Large Astronaut's View
12"  $111.99 (free s/h)
Satellite Earth Globe

Ring Base is Included w/Sphere

18"  $324.99  (free s/h)
Solar Eclipse Globe
12"  $134.99 (free s/h)

Inflatable Globe

39 $124.99 (free s/h)
Satellite-Gold Globe Satellite with Clouds Satellite-NE Globe Astronaut's View
4.5"  $160.00 (free s/h)
6.0 $280.00 (free s/h)
4.5"  $160.00 (free s/h)
6.0 $280.00 (free s/h)
4.5" $160.00 (free s/h)
6.0 $280.00 (free s/h)
8.5" $500.00 (free s/h)
Inflatable Globe
16"  $29.99 (free s/h)
Satellite World Globe Earth & Constellations Day & Night Globe Seasons View Globe
Pack of 12
4.5"  $144.99 (free s/h)
H14" x D8.5"
Dual Map illumination
$70.00  (free s/h)
H12.5" x D8.5"
Dual Map illumination
$60.00  (free s/h)
Blue Planet Globe - Voyager Model (ships via motor freight at additional charge) NON RETURNABLE
16" Spinning Globe
$1599.00  (free s/h)


Gemstone Desktop World Globes

Silver Compass Jewel Commander Mother of Pearl 13" Admiral Mother of Pearl Gems Paperweights
Silver Compass Jewel Gemstone Globe
H19" x D13"
gemstone globe
Height 14" x Diameter 9"
Gemstone globe
Height 20.5" x Diameter 13"
Gemstone globe
11 globe color choices
$475.00 (free ship/h) $264.99 (free ship/h) $349.99 (free ship/h)
Commander Globes Nautical Globes Admiral Mother of Pearl Contempo Globes
Several ocean color choices
Additional colors available


Height 13" x Diameter 9"
Gemstone globe

Several gemstone globe colors

$99.99 - $159.99 (free s/h) $264.99 (free ship/h) $109.99 -$159.99 (free ship/h)
Key Ring Sets Gem Globe Bookends    
9 globe colors
Sets of 6 or 3 key chains
$29.99-$49.99 (free s/h) $179.99 (free s/h)    



Gemstone Globes

 Black Opalite Copper Opalite Rubalite
Currently Unavailable $99.99 Currently Unavailable


Crystal Desktop World Globes

6" Crystal Earth Globe 6" Clear Crystal Globe 3" Crystal Earth Globe 3" Clear Crystal Globe 4" Earth Sphere
$849.99 (free s/h) $749.99 (free s/h) $249.99 (free s/h) $249.99 (free s/h) $181.99 (free s/h)
Globe Paperweight Andromedome™ Paperweight Small Andromedome™ Peace Orbacles Crystal Peace Orbacles
$84.99 (free s/h) $79.99(free s/h) $62.99 (free ship/h) $53.99-$79.99 (free s/h) $53.99-$79.99 (free s/h)
2" Crystal Globe Earth Pyramid Earth Zipper Pull Earth Christmas Ornaments
1/2" diameter
$74.99 (free s/h) Currently Unavailable $5.00-$5.83 /Pull Pack of any 3 ornaments   -     $79.99 (free s/h)
Key Tags Gold Earth Earrings Natural Earth Earrings Mars Earrings Moon Earrings
$7.00-$13.99 /Key Tag $17.99-$29.99 /Pair $17.99-$29.99 /Pair $17.99-$29.99 /Pair $17.99-$29.99 /Pair
Peace in 7 Languages Earth Bookmark      
7 languages - 1" diameter
1/2" diameter

* A portion of sales generated by these products is donated to the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center, a non-profit educational organization.

$3.40-$4.00 /Marble $5.83-$8.33 /Bookmark


Inflatable World Globes

Political Light Blue Topographical Blue Large Astronaut's View
Globe Diameter:  12", 16", 27"
$114.00/12pc. - $193.50/6pc. (free s/h)
Globe Diameter:  12", 16", 27"
$114.00/12pc. - $193.50/6pc. (free s/h)

Globe Diameter: 39"

$124.99 (free s/h)

Large Clear Topographical Solar System Inflatable Astronaut's View
Globe Diameter: 36"
$59.99 (free s/h)
Solar System Inflatable Globes Set
8"-28" 10 pc.- $44.99 (free s/h)

Globe Diameter:  16"

$29.99 (free s/h)


Reproduction World Globes

Hondius 1627 Mercator Classic 1541 Vaugondy 1745 Terrestrial Globe w/Compass
H24" x W13.5" x D13.5
H24" x W13.5" x D13.5
H24" x W13.5" x D13.5
H8.25" x W5.75" x D5.75"
$264.95 (free ship/h) $250.00 (free ship/h) $265.00(free ship/h) $69.99 (free s/h)
Vaugondy Noir 1745 Costello 1920 Navigator 1542 Old World Globe
H19.75" x W12.5" x D12.5"
Costello decorative world globe
H19.75" x W12.5" x D12.5"
H11.75" x W10.25" x D10.25"
H21.7" x W14" x D14"
$193.00 (free ship/h) $193.00 (free ship/h) $225.50 (free ship/h) $250.00 (free ship/h)
Vaugondy on 3 Leg Stand Globe Bookends Vaugondy  Ornaments Paris Classic 1745
H10.75" x W4.75" x D4.75"
H14.25" x W9.75" x D5.25"
Sets of 3 - 6 ornaments
H4.25" x W3.25" x D3.25"
H24" x W15.6" x D15.6"
$71.99 (free ship/h) $110.00 (free ship/h) $54.99 - $69.99  (free s/h) $349.99 (free ship/h)
Vaugondy Baroque Globe Atlas World Globe Trianon 1774 Griffon Decorative Globe
Vaugondy Baroque World Globe on desk stand
H 21.75" x W 12.75" x D 12.75"
World globe supported by Atlas base
H 13.5" x W 8" x D 7"
Honey colored world globe on desk base
H11" x W5.5" x D5.5"
Decorative world globe
H15.5" x W7.25" x D7.25"
$273.00 (free ship/h) $241.00 (free ship/h) $69.99 (free ship/h) $241.00 (free ship/h)
Dragon Decorative Globe      
Dragon decorative world globe
H21" x W13" x D12.75"
$241.00 (free ship/h)      


Zofolli Italian Desktop World Globes

Aria World 9" Globe Aria Blue 9" Globe Coronelli Blue 13" Globe Gea Desktop 13" Globe
Special Order Special Order Special Order Special Order
Vela Blue World 9" Globe Vela World 9" Globe Coronelli 13" Globe  
Special Order Special Order Special Order  






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