The globe features a hardwood two-tone base reminiscent of the terraces and architecture rediscovered in 1911, combined with elegant blue oceans parchment cartography. The 12" diameter globe, showcasing up-to-date map, is held by a black calibrated die-cast semi-meridian. Thousands of place names include continents, countries, capitals, biggest/important cities, bodies of water and more. Features raised relief embossing cartography, to better emphasize the mountainous areas of the world in a three dimensional way. Time dial is located at the North Pole. Globe Model # 35575
Call us toll-free 877-822-9889 or 812-333-2772 for orders/questions Mon.-Sat. 10:00 am-5:30 pm Eastern Standard Time
Raised Relief![]() Updatable World Globe Program: keep your globe as up to date and accurate as the day you bought it. You are eligible for 50% off the retail value of a new globe ball or ball and ring through the Updatable Globe Program. To take advantage of this offer available in USA and Canada, make note of your globe model (5-digit number on carton) and the month and date of purchase and keep this information in a safe place. If a change occurs in the world, you can request an update.
Asked Questions
A Guide
to Understanding Your Globe
is round, with no beginning or end, there are two main reference lines from
which all distances and locations are calculated. One is the equator,
running east and west around the middle of the globe, dividing it into two
equal halves. The other is the prime meridian, an imaginary line running
from pole to pole and cutting through Greenwich, a section of London,
England. Both of these lines are 0º and the globe numbering system starts at
the point where they intersect. All lines running east and west, parallel to
the equator, are called latitude lines. They are sometimes referred to as
parallels because they are parallel to each other. Latitude lines are shown
at 15º intervals north and south of the equator. Look at New Orleans on your
globe and you will find it located at 30º. Since it is north of the equator,
we say it is 30º north latitude, or 30N. The lines running north and south
from pole to pole are called longitude lines, sometimes referred to as
meridians. Longitude lines are numbered along the equator on your globe at
15º intervals east and west of the prime meridian at Greenwich. Again using
New Orleans as an example, we find it located at 90º or 90º west of 0º
longitude. Thus, New Orleans is located at 30N latitude and 90W longitude.
Prime Meridian Latitude lines determine angular distances north or south of
the equator. Longitude lines determine angular distances east or west of the
prime meridian. Remember, latitude lines go from 0º at the equator to 90º at
the poles. Longitude lines go from 0º at the prime meridian to 180º, a point
on the exact opposite side of the globe. In giving a position, latitude is
always stated first. Lines of latitude and longitude appear on your globe
only at certain intervals; otherwise, they would cover up all other map
USING THE TIME DIAL: You can tell the time of any place on Earth by counting the number of meridians and figuring one hour later for each one east of you or one hour earlier for each one west of you. Your globe has a time dial loosely capped over the north pole, and you will see that it is divided into twenty-four equal parts, each representing one hour (or one meridian). Numbering is from noon to midnight and from midnight to noon. Half the dial is dark to indicate the darkness hours from sunset to sunrise and half is light for daylight hours. Let us suppose you are in St. Louis. It is 10:00 A.M. and you want to know the time in Paris, in Cairo, and in Tokyo. Set the time dial so that 10:00 A.M. is directly in line with St. Louis, sighting along the 90ºW meridian. Now rotate the globe (the time dial turns with it) until you find Paris. Sighting up along the nearest meridian, you find it is 4:00 P.M. Turn the globe to Cairo and repeat the procedure. It is 6:00 P.M. there. Now, rotating the globe all the way to Tokyo, you find the day is over and it’s 1:00 A.M. the next morning.
You will appreciate the way this affordable world globe takes center stage and is the perfect accompaniment to just about any decor. |
Bingham Globe | Glencoe World Globe | Atlas World Globe |
Northampton Desktop World Globe by Replogle Globes, Item # 35575
Sale Price: $129.00, Current Cartography, Wood Stand, Desktop World Globe, Tabletop Globe, Library Globe, Office Globe, Elegant Globe
World Globes make great gifts for Geography Buffs, Mother's Day, Father's Day & Graduation. Perfect as Wedding, Anniversary, Retirement Gifts, Corporate Awards, Business & Executive Gifts, Bon Voyage & Birthday Presents
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