Seasons World Globe
Price: $179.99 (free

Model # SF-U020
Unique world globe has a dark acrylic box that serves as the
physical terminator in this mechanical simulation of the solar illumination of
the Earth. With the 6" globe at the proper tilt and a calendar protractor built
in, it is easy to set the hourly situation throughout the year. Seasonal
changes, the positions of sunrise and sunset and the special circumstances of
Solstices and Equinoxes are easily demonstrated and examined.
Desktop World Globe by
SF, Item #
Sale Price:
$179.99, Unique Desktop Globe, desktop globe, globe store
Globes make great gifts for Geography Buffs, Mother's Day, Father's Day & Graduation. Perfect as Wedding, Anniversary, Retirement Gifts, Corporate Awards, Business & Executive Gifts, Bon Voyage & Birthday Presents