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World Globes > Replogle Desktop Globes

Replogle Desktop World Globes

Sale  $41.95 - $440.00   (free shipping & handling*)     Price Match Guarantee


Intelliglobe II Deluxe
Nicollet Large Illuminated Globe Northampton Globe Glencoe World  Globe San Marcos Globe

“Interactive globe for kids

 Interactive Talking Globe

H22" x D16"
illuminated globe
Northampton desktop world globe blule oceans wood base
H16.5" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
world globe on elegant wood and  metal base
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
world globe on designer wood desktop base
H22" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$165.00 (free ship/h) $295.00 (free ship/h) $129.00 (free s/h) $320.00 (free ship/h) $500.00 (free s/h)
Bartlett Illuminated Globe Freeport Large Desktop World Globe Nassau Large World Globe Lincoln World Globe Hexagon Designer Globe
blue oceans world globe metal desktop base
H16.5" x D13"
illuminated globe
Freeport large desktop world globe
H19" x D16"
Raised relief globe
Nassau large desktop world globe blue oceans map
H19" x D16"
Raised relief globe
Lincoln Blue Ocean Globe | Replogle Globes
H17" x D12"
Raised relief globe
world globe on hexagon designer base
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$125.00 (free ship/h) $160.00 (free ship/h) $160.00 (free ship/h) $275.00 (free ship/h) $495.00 (free ship/h)
Auburn  Desk Globe Chicago World Globe Glencoe Constellations Hartford World Globe Milan World Globe
H18" x D12"
Raised relief globe
Glencoe  Star Constellations globe
H20" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Hartford 12" Designer Globe | Replogle Globes
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
MILAN Globe 12″ Raised Relief – Replogle Globes | Replogle Globes
H18" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$199.95 (free s/h) $150.00 (free ship/h) $325.00 (free ship/h) $74.95 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h)
Livingston illuminated Globe Crystal Marquise Blue Berkner Globe Premier Atlas Globe Atlas World Globe
world globe lamp
H16" x D12"
illuminated globe
transparent earth globe
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
BERKNER desktop world globe
H17.5" x D12"
Contemporary globe
reference world globe
H18" x D12"
Raised relief globe
world globe on sculptured base
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$99.95 (free ship/h) $175.00 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $275.00  (free ship/h) $210.00 (free ship/h)
Atlantis School  Globe Crystal Marquise Silver Monarch Globe Usonian World Globe Four Square Globe
educational world globe
H17" x D12"
Raised relief globe
transparent world globe
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
Monarch black world globe on stair stepped marble base
H16.5" x D12"
Black Ocean Map
world globe on designer wood base
H18" x D12"
Raised relief globe
world globe on square designer base
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$99.95 (free ship/h) $180.00 (free ship/h) Currently Unavailable $250.00 (free s/h) $305.00 (free ship/h)
Pioneer Educational World  Globe Mikado Black Globe Mini Wright World Globe Weather Watch Globe Leather Expedition Globe
educational world globe for kids
H17" x D12"
Raised relief globe
black ocean world globe
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
small black world globe
H14" x D6"
Non-illuminated globe
globe of earth on wood base with clocks
H17" x D9"
Raised relief globe
leather world globe
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$79.95  (free ship/h) $197.50 (free ship/h) $175.00 (free ship/h) $290.00 (free ship/h) $150.00 (free ship/h)
Biscay Desktop Globe Orion  illuminated Black Globe Wanderlust Globe Freedom Desk Globe Hexhedra Desk Globe
desk globe
H16.5" x D12"
Raised relief globe
illuminated black world globe
H17" x D12"
illuminated globe
world globe with marble base
H19" x D12"
Up to date cartography
world globe on eagle base
H20" x D12"
Raised relief globe
globe of the earth with designer wood base
H17.3" x D12"
relief globe
$69.99 (free ship/h) $110.00 (free ship/h) $130.00 (free ship/h) $220.00 (free ship/h) $205.00 (free ship/h)
Diamond Marquise Blue Globe Diamond Marquise Globe World's Greatest Mom Morgan World Globe Salem Desk Globe
silver metallic world globe
H17" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
contemporary metallic world globe
H17" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
white oceans world globe
H17" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
world globe on desktop stand
H16.5" x D12"
Raised Relief Cartography
world globe on multi colored wood stand
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$134.99 (free ship/h) Currently Unavailable $79.95 (free s/h) $130.00 (free ship/h) $105.50 (free ship/h)
Geographer School Globe Hamilton Black Desk Globe Carlyle illuminated Globe Cranbrook World Globe Compass Rose Globe
educatinal world globe
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
black world globe metal stand
H17.5" x D12"
Black Ocean Cartography
illuminated reference globe
H17" x D12"
illuminated globe
earth globe
H18" x D12"
relief globe
world globe on metal compass base
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$97.50  (free ship/h) $115.00 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $125.00 (free ship/h) $110.00 (free ship/h)
Renaissance Black Desk Globe Executive Globe Sierra World Globe Midnight Black World Globe Kingston Globe
black world globe desktop base
H8" x D6"
Non-illuminated globe
executive desktop world globe
H9" x D6"
non-illuminated globe
globe of the earth
H17" x D12"
Raised relief globe
H16" x D12"
illuminated globe
desk globe
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$94.50 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $99.95  (free ship/h) $133.50 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free s/h)
Day / Night Illuminated Globe Starlight Black Desk Globe MacInnes Desk Globe Lenox World Globe Hastings Desk Globe

world globe lamp

H16.5" x D12"


black ocean globe of earth
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
geographical world globe
H17.5" x D12"
raised relief globe
globe of earth
H17.3" x D12"
Raised relief globe
traditional world glboe
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
$99.95 (free ship/h) $69.99 (free ship/h) $89.95  (free ship/h) $97.50 (free ship/h) $97.50 (free ship/h)
Globe 4 Kids Spectrum Black Globe Constellation illuminted Globe Northwoods Desk Globe Piedmont World Globe
illuminated childrens globe
H14" x D10"
Raised relief globe
small black world globe
H8.5" x D6"
1 box of 4 globes
star constellations illuminated desktop globe
H16" x D12"
illuminated globe
bronze metallic world globe
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
desk globe
H17" x D12"
raised relief globe
$69.50 (free ship/h) $143.95/4 pc. (free s/h) $79.00 (free ship/h) $94.95 (free ship/h) $69.95 (free ship/h)
Explorer School Globe Day / Night 12" Globe Forester Desk Globe Franklin Desk Globe Quincy World Globe
educational globe
H16" x D12"
Raised Relief Globe

stars constellations globe lamp

H16.5" x D12"


geographic reference globe
H12" x D9"
Raised relief globe
reference globe of the earth
H16" x D12"
Raised relief globe
basic world globe
H13" x D9"
Raised relief globe
$59.95 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $55.50 (free ship/h) $59.95 (free ship/h) $57.95 (free ship/h)
Rotating Globe Bancroft Globe Panorama Globe Rotating Globe Mackie World Globe
illuminated world globe for kids
H14" x D10"
Illuminated Cartography

Bancroft national geographic world globe

H16.5" x D12"

National Geographic Map

world globe for classroom
H16" x D12"
Raised Relief Cartography
rotating world globe
H14" x D10"
Illuminated Cartography
world globe desktop
H14" x D9"
Raised relief globe
$79.95 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $54.99 (free ship/h) $79.95 (free ship/h) $55.50 (free ship/h)
Traveler Desk Globe Moon Desk Globe Seasons Globe Cabot "W" Cabot "C"
globe for kids
H17" x D12"
Raised Relief Globe
moon globe
H15" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
Globe, Season Modeling 6"
world globe decor
H11.5" x D6"
globe decor
H11.5" x D6"
$49.99 (free ship/h) $97.50 (free ship/h) $179.99 (free ship/h) $49.99 (free ship/h) $49.99 (free ship/h)
Wonder Metallic Small Globe Wonder Celestial Star Globe Wonder Satellite Earth Globe Wonder Blue Desk Globe Wonder Antique World Globe
metallic world globe
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe
celestial globe
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe
satellite globe of the earth
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe
blue world globe
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe
small desktop globe
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe

$167.99 /12 pc. (free s/h)

$167.99 /12 pc. (free s/h) $167.99 /12 (free s/h) $167.99 /12 pc. (free s/h) $167.99 /12 (free s/h)
Moon Wonder Globe Inflatable Globes Topographical Inflatable Globe Solar System Inflatable Apollo School Globe
small  moon globe
H5.75" x D4.3"
Non-illuminated globe
three inflatable globes

box of 12

topographical inflatable globes

box of 12

Solar System Inflatable Globes Set
8"-28" 10 pc.
world globe on ring base
H12" x D9"
Educational globe
$167.99 /12 pc. (free s/h) $95.40- $167.70 (free s/h) $95.40- $167.70 (free s/h) $44.99 (free s/h) $46.95 (free s/h)
Athens II Canvas Globe Terenne Illuminated Globe Dublin World Globe Trekker Small Desk Globe Adventurer Educational Globe
Athens desktop world globe beige oceans
H17" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
contemporary small desk globe
H8.5" x D6"
set of 2 illuminated globes
DUBLIN Globe 12″ Raised Relief – Replogle Globes | Replogle Globes
H16" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
small world globe
H8" x D6"
Non-illuminated globe
kids globe
H16" x D12"
Raised Relief Globe
$105.00 (free s/h) $59.99 (free ship/h) $94.95 (free s/h) $117.99 / 8 pc. (free s/h) $53.99 (free ship/h)
Kristian Illuminated Globe Kristian Globe Madrid Modern Globe Sophia World Globe Silver Compass Jewel
H16.5" x D12"
illuminated globe
illuminated desktop world globe in different colors
H16.5" x D12"
illuminated globe
Madrid blue oceans desktop world globe
H16.5" x D12"
Non-illuminated globe
Sophia world globe blue oceans replogle
gemston desk globe on silver base
H19" x D13"
Gemstone globe
$129.00 (free s/h) $129.00 (free s/h) $74.95 (free s/h) $94.95 (free s/h) $475.00 (free ship/h)
Consulate Globe Oslo World Globe Glencoe Constellations Zurich World Globe Lincoln Grey
Consulate illuminated geographical world globe small
H15" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
Oslo 12" Designer Globe Replogle Globes
H16" x D12"
Raised Relief globe
ZURICH CANVAS Globe 12″ Raised Relief – Replogle Globes | Replogle Globes Lincoln Gray Oceans World Globe contemporary model
$133.50 (free ship/h) $65.00 (free ship/h) $325.00 (free ship/h) $105.00 (free ship/h) $129.00 (free ship/h)

Frequently Asked Questions


Replogle Desktop World Globes offers a choice of classic traditional models and contemporary styles, illuminated and non-illuminated, raised relief globes, genuine leather globe and more.  Globe ball sizes offered for sale online are 1.8"-13" inch diameter.   Earth globe maps feature antique, black or blue ocean. You will find educational globes for children and adults.  Some globes come in a variety of languages.  All globes are discounted.


Call us toll-free 1(877) 822-9889 Monday-Saturday 10:00 am-5:30 pm Eastern Standard Time

Replogle desktop-tabletop world globes



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