How up-to-date is the globe?
- Replogle® has a policy of updating a map every time
it’s printed. Although the names or boundaries of countries can change due to
wars or other political upheavals, most changes are simple name changes that are
relatively easy to make. Our policy is that when the US State Department—along
with the representatives (usually the Embassies of the governments involved),
recognizes the changes as being a fact, we then start to implement the changes
into our system. Generally, the 9" and 12" diameter globes are the
first sizes to show up in the field with the changes, followed by the 16"
models and other sizes. This can be anywhere from six months to a
year—depending on the field inventory. There can be no absolute guarantee that
any map is 100% current, but this should not be a deterrent to the purchase
because the real value of a globe is to show true, geographical relationships.
What is the "Updatable
Globe Program"?
- From time to time, the world does
change. Replogle wants to help you keep your globe as up-to-date and accurate as
the day you bought it. As a Replogle globe owner, you are eligible for 50% off
the retail value of a new globe ball or ball and ring through our Updatable
Globe Program. To take advantage of Replogle's Updatable Globe Program, fill in
your globe model (5-digit number on carton) enclosed with your globe and keep
this card in a safe place. If a change occurs in the world, contact Replogle at
the address or phone number on the card. We will respond to your request as soon
as new globes become available. Shipping/handling and taxes (where
applicable) are additional. Replogle reserves the right to discontinue any
product. Obsolete globe balls may be unavailable and a substitution offered.
Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. Available in USA & Canada only.
Why are globes tilted?
Many Replogle® globes are made to tilt at an angle of
23º to match the actual tilt of the Earth. Incidentally, it is this tilting of
the Earth, relative to the sun as it orbits around it, that causes the seasons
to change and give us more daylight hours at certain times of the year.
How many place names are on the
Replogle globes feature:
- 4.7" globes: 800 place
9" diameter: 3800 place names
12" diameter:4000
place names (illuminated and non illuminated)
16" diameter:4100
place names (illuminated and non illuminated)
20" :diameter
4200 place names
How do you find a place on a globe?
- Because a globe is round with no beginning or end, there
are 2 imaginary reference lines from which all distances and locations are
determined; these are the equator and prime meridian.
- Equator: Runs East and West around the exact middle
of the globe.
- Prime Meridian: Imaginary line running from Pole to
Pole and passing through Greenwich, England.
- Both the equator and the prime meridian intersect at
point ‘0’ where all numbering starts with longitude and latitude lines.
- Longitude: Imaginary lines running parallel with
the prime meridian through each Pole and numbered in 15º increments.
- Latitude: Imaginary lines running around the globe
parallel to the equator at 10º increments.
- Locations are uniquely identified on a globe by the point
where the longitude and latitude lines intersect, i.e., Dallas Texas is located
33º North (Latitude) 97º West (Longitude).
What's the difference between the blue and tan colored
The ‘TAN’ globes are Antique in
appearance and are preferred when the globe is to be used as a decorative
accessory because the more neutral tan color complements almost any home or
office décor. The ‘TAN’ background or ocean is actually produced
from a reproduction of an ancient parchment to give it the Antique or ‘Old
World’ look…the geographic information is up-to-date and this Antiqued
treatment is done primarily for its aesthetic appeal.
The ‘BLUE’ globes, while also political, have
the ocean areas in a blue (water) color and usually consist of highly
contrasting, colorful, political boundaries. The youth market normally prefers
such globes.
How many different maps do we use?
Currently we use 35 different maps. This is due to the
different sizes of our globes, the style types, languages, and because some
customers supply their own maps to us for private label globes.
How do you clean a Replogle Globe?
Our globes have a special coating designed to protect the
globe ball and enhance its appearance. Because this finish is washable, you
could use a crayon or a soft wax pencil on the surface. Markings can be wiped
off with a moistened cleansing tissue or soft, damp cloth. Household dust can be
removed with a dry cloth, though you may wish occasionally to use a slightly
dampened cloth to remove fingerprints or smudges. A mild, non-abrasive product
is recommended for difficult marks. Do not use industrial or even household
cleaners that contain alcohol or any solvent.
Where can you buy a replacement light bulb for Replogle
Any hardware or lighting store. Some of our illuminated
globes use a 25 watt candelabra light bulb and others require a standard light
bulb. Please follow these guidelines for globes requiring a standard light bulb.
Please do not use more than a 75watt bulb for a 32” globe, 40watt bulb for a
20” globe, and 15watts for a 12” globe..
What is that little round dial at the North Pole?
It’s called a TIME DIAL—used to compare time
around the world.
Why do some globes have a metal ring or semi-ring
around them?
Most Replogle® globes have a metal ring either
full circle or half (semi) circle. These are called MERIDIANS and they are
generally numbered in degrees from 0º at the equator to 90º at either Pole.
Originally, meridians were used to help locate positions on the globe, but since
Replogle® globes have the longitude and latitude lines on the maps, the
numbers on the meridian have become less important, but the ring itself still
serves to hold the globe ball in position.
How do we choose names for our globes?
Subject to space limitations, we attempt to list all
nations, all the capitals, then the biggest city in that country or state, or an
important city. There are more names on the coastline because there is room for
them, and we are trying to fill space as well. We try not to abbreviate names
because that would lead to confusion for our customers. If a city has some
importance other than size or a capital, then it’s added. The US Government
has a list of names for cities and countries outside North America that they
call ‘conventional’ names. This is easier for us to understand than the true
translation…and is why our maps show Finland, for example—rather than Suomi.
What are the bumps on some globes and why aren't they
on all globes?
The ‘bumps’ are called raised relief and better
emphasize the mountainous areas of the world. They are there so that you can ‘SEE
& FEEL’ the mountains—although their actual height on the globe
does not have any relationship to the true relative heights of the mountain
ranges. Raised relief is found on 9", 12" and 16" diameter
non-illuminated globes. On the smaller globe, it would be difficult to maintain
any degree of accuracy. On a very large diameter globe, i.e., 20" &
32", the method of manufacturing doesn’t lend itself to incorporating
this feature.
Why a globe instead of an atlas?
Actually, an atlas complements the globe and the globe
complements the atlas. Each has features that, when used together, become an
excellent reference and teaching tool. The advantage of a globe is that the
world in its entirety is depicted on a sphere. As well as being functional, many
globes also serve as attractive decorative accessories for homes and offices.
