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World Globes > Globes for Kids

World Globes for Children

Desktop and floor standing world globes, illuminated globes, raised relief, floating / levitating, celestial, Moon, Glowing globe and self-spinning globes.
Intelliglobe II Talking Globe
Day/Night Globe with Augmented Reality Atlantis 12" Globe Treasury Floor Globe


 Interactive globe

Day/Night Kid's World Globe with Augmented Reality “Atlantis “Treasury
Floor Standing Globe
Converts to tabletop as well
$165.00 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $110.00 (free s/h)
Parlamondo Pioneer 12" Globe Livingston 12" illuminated Explorer 12"
Parlamondo Details interactive talking smart world globe for children
H16" x D12"
Illuminated Cartography
“Pioneer “Livingston “Explorer
$139.99 (free ship/h) $79.95  (free ship/h) $99.95 (free ship/h) $59.95  (free ship/h)
Illuminated Globe 4 Kids 10" Biscay 12" Globe Franklin 12" Globe Premier 12" Globe
“Desktop “Biscay “Franklin “Premier
$69.50 (free ship/h) $69.99  (free ship/h) $59.95 (free ship/h) $275.00  (free ship/h)
Apollo Hastings 12" Globe Lenox 12" World Globe Starlight 12"
“Hastings “Lenox “Starlight
$46.95 (free s/h) $97.50  (free ship/h) $97.50  (free ship/h) $69.99 (free ship/h)
Geographer 12" Rotating Globe Piedmont 12" Orion 12" illuminated
“Geographer “Piedmont “Orion
$94.50  (free ship/h) $74.95 (free ship/h) $69.95 (free ship/h) $110.00 (free ship/h)
Terenne Illuminated Traveler 12" Northwoods 12" Moon 12" Globe
“Traveler “Northwoods “Moon
$59.99 (free s/h) $49.99 (free ship/h) $94.95 (free ship/h) $97.50  (free ship/h)
Satellite World Globe Wonder Antique 4.3" Wonder Blue 4.3" Trekker 6" World Globe

1 box of 12

1 box of 12 pc.
1 box of 12 pc.
1 box of 8

$167.99 / 12 pc.  (free ship/h)

$167.99 / 12 pc.  (free ship/h) $167.99 / 12 pc.  (free ship/h) $117.99 / 8 pc.  (free ship/h)
Constellation 12 illuminated Safari Globe Adventurer 12"  
“Desktop “Safari “Adventurer  
$79.00  (free ship/h) $80.00  (free ship/h) $53.99 (free ship/h)

View additional world globes

Call us toll-free 877-822-9889 or 812-333-2772 for orders/questions Mon.-Sat. 10:00 am-5:30 pm Eastern Standard Time

World Globes make great gifts for Geography Buffs, Mother's Day, Father's Day & Graduation. Perfect as Wedding, Anniversary, Retirement Gifts, Corporate Awards, Business & Executive Gifts, Bon Voyage & Birthday Presents



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